Tyler Cornett

Bitcoin is a Spiritual Force

Bitcoin continues to empower and inspire(in spirit) people on multiple levels as it spreads around the world.

4 Reasons Why Bitcoin is a Spiritual Force:

1. Bitcoin fosters self-expression

When you gain financial independence, you also gain more ability to express yourself without fear of reprisal from your employer.

For example, lets say you work in a deeply partisan part of the USA, but you hold different political views. You cannot express those views in the work environment because there is a real risk of losing your job or being alienated and ostracized.

Financial independence allows you to leave your current employment and find a more libertine environment or else try to start your own business.

Since Bitcoin is the greatest opportunity to gain financial independence that we’ve seen in our lifetime, with annual returns of 63% on average since its inception, it is also an impetus for self-expression.

2. Bitcoin is anti-tyrannical

Tyranny is real throughout the world even in 2024 and beyond. Tyranny promulgates an abusive cloud over the people. It sinks into their being as they live out their normal, daily activities. Don’t believe me? Ask an American immigrant from Iran, Cuba, or Venezuela if tyranny is real. Tyranny colors everything when established in a societal power structure.

In comes Bitcoin: How do you tyrannize people who have permissionless property that can be stored in a 12 word passphrase? How would you know who carries this pristine property?
If the Bitcoin holders even sense they are going to be tyrannized, they can simply move somewhere in the world more friendly.

Bitcoin is naturally non-consenting to tyranny.
In this way, it seems to have a conscience of its own…if that’s possible.

3. Bitcoin is leaderless

How can a digital form of money have no issuer or leader? How is that even possible? The main author of the Bitcoin protocol was someone named Satoshi, but he disappeared after launching Bitcoin and Bitcoin has never moved from his blockchain wallet since that day. Following his departure and gift to the world, there has been a communal effort to support and promote Bitcoin, but the nature of the decentralized protocol is that it cannot be commandeered, manipulated, or stopped by any individual or group.

Bitcoin is similar to 12 Step Recovery groups in this sense. There is humility built into the Bitcoin protocol because there are no official leaders.

4. Bitcoin is accessible

Anyone with a cell phone or internet connection can begin to buy Bitcoin. This means most of the world can access Bitcoin and start purchasing it, sending it, or receive it. There are local Bitcoin economies being formed in countries like Nigeria and El Salvaodor. If you live in a society where your local currency is inflating at 20% or more per year, why wouldn’t you seek an alternative currency that is more stable? Even better, you could use a money, Bitcoin, that is going up in value every year against all world currencies. Oppressed people suddenly having real money to increase their savings and commerce activity are being liberated in a real sense. Liberation is also a spiritual development for the population as they become more free to become better versions of themselves.